Calling all Masters

Calling all Masters

Come and race at the Laser Master Worlds venue!

Lennon Racewear Irish Laser Master Championships 19/20 May, 2018

Lots of Lennon Racewear category prizes and Irish Sailing gold, silver and bronze for top three Standards and Radials. Big Regatta dinner Saturday night at the Royal St George Yacht Club? for sailors and guests. After-dinner talk by Rory Fitzpatrick?.  Hear how he coached Annalise to Silver in Rio, his own Olympic regatta in Athens in 2004, his current Moth “piloting” and how he thinks Masters should train!. Five race schedule with two races planned for Sunday. Separate start for Radials. Many overseas competitors (USA, GBR and SWE) already expressing interest as sailors keen to test the waters for the Worlds.

Enquiries to Event Organiser: [email protected]

Enquiries to host club: [email protected]

Online Entry link here.

Featured photo by Gareth Craig (


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