Q&A With Legends; Robert Scheidt & Ben Ainslie

Q&A With Legends; Robert Scheidt & Ben Ainslie

EurILCA recently highlighted two fantastic online meetings with two of our great class legends, Robert Scheidt from Brazil and Ben Ainslie from Great Britain.

Robert’s talk was more focused on the Starts tips, while Ben’s was more about how to maximize your mental strength.

The talks were led and supplemented by the expertise of New Zealand’s recognised coach Hamish Willcox and the experienced English sailing journalist Andy Rice.

The talks were organized by the team at  Road to Gold . Check out their website since they invite sailors to “join top coach Hamish Willcox and sailing commentator Andy Rice every week for Live Q&A Coaching Calls with the top names in the sailing world…”

Road to Gold have generously given free access for the next 10 days:
Here are the links to the talks:
Nailing the Start with Robert Scheidt
Max Out your Mental Strength with Ben Ainslie
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