Ranking System Explained
The original Ranking System was devised in the mid-1970s and has served well over the years. In 2009, however, a number of changes were made to the ILCA Entry Process for the World and European Championships, including entering on line. Over the years a few other minor modifications have been made to take account of changing circumstances and ILCA interpretations.
In late August 2015 the Ranking System was further updated to encompass various ISAF changes and an opportunity was taken to revise and clarify a number of aspects, whilst still retaining the principles set out in the early years.
A full description (in PDF format) can be downloaded through the link:
ILCA Ireland Ranking and Quailification Policy for Resistricted Entry Events – Jan 2025
If you have any queries, or if it contains anything that you do not understand, please contact the Hon. Secretary.
Where “DNC” is shown it stands for “Did Not Count points”
Points are awarded to the first 25 boats only
RDG = Notional Average Placing (“A” in earlier lists)
L = Lady : Y = Youth : M = Master